Front Load Dumpsters

4 yd front load dumpsters

4 Yard Dumpster

4 Yard Dumpsters are primarily used for small to mid-sized customers. They have two separate hinged lids on top for the disposal of trash. 

  • Dimensions: 4 ft high x 6 ft long x 4.5 ft wide
  • Capacity: 48 regular trash bags
  • Weight: 800 lbs 

6 Yard Dumpster

6 Yard Dumpsters are used by medium to large scale customers. They have two separate hinged lids on top as well as sliding doors on each side for the disposal of trash. 

  • Dimensions: 6 ft high x 6 ft long x 5 ft wide 
  • Capacity: 72 regular trash bags
  • Weight: 1000 lbs

8 Yard Dumpster 

8 Yard Dumpsters are currently our largest front load dumpster offered. It is perfect for any customer that creates a large amount of trash. They have two separate hinged lids on top as well as sliding doors on each side for the disposal of trash. 

  • Dimensions: 7 ft high x 6 ft long x 6 ft wide
  • Capacity: 96 regular trash bags
  • Weight: 1200 lbs

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